We're on Our Way! chant a Bournemouth song & lyrics.

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Black and Red football scarf

AFC Bournemouth

1972 We're on Our Way!

AFC Bournemouths promotion song, sung at last a couple of games, amazing tune and very catchy!

Chant of the Day Jan. 3, 2017

“Bournemouth host Arsenal in the Premier League. Amazing rise having survived relegation from the Football League altogether in the final game of 2008/09 season.”
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Song Lyrics

Were on our way,
Were on our way,
Up the football league,
Were on our way,
How we get there I don't know,
How we get there I don't care
All I know that Bournemouth's on the way...

Submitted by afcbmillar

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We're on Our Way! football song for for playstation, xBox, PC, smart phone and football songs for PES14.

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